
Dr Griffiths is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist who specialises in diagnostic assessment, cognitive rehabilitation and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Dr Griffiths has developed her own private practice providing a full suite of neuropsychological assessments and treatments for individuals, insurance companies, solicitors and other agencies throughout the UK and internationally.

Between 2013 and 2017, Dr Griffiths was the Lead Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. She was also the Lead Neuropsychologist for the Memory Assessment Service overseeing the assessment of, and post-diagnostic intervention programmes for, people with neuro-degenerative disorders.

From 2005-2013 Dr Griffiths was a specialist Neuropsychologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queens' Square, where she gained expertise in working with people with a wide range of neurological disorders including epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, brain tumour and dementia. Latterly, she was the Lead Neuropsychologist for Neuro-Oncology, developing specialist assessment and treatment programmes for patients with brain tumours, regularly speaking at international conferences on this topic and participating in a number of research projects.


  • Health Professional Council
  • British Psychological Society

              - Full Practitioner Member – Division of Neuropsychology
              - Chartered Clinical Psychologist
              - Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists


Dr Griffiths obtained a First Class Honours in Psychology from University College London before completing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Kings College London. She also achieved a distinction in her Post-Doctoral Diploma in Neuropsychology from the University of Glasgow.

London Neuropsychology

Dr Sarah Griffiths (B.Sc, D. Clin. Psy., Pg.Dip.)